Valuable Information For Stomach Ulcer Patients

3 Innocent Mistakes That Make Your Stomach Ulcer Pain Worse Than Ever

If you currently suffer from the excruciating pains of stomach ulcer and you have tried so many solutions that seem not to work for you, then this post is something you should read to the end.


In this post, I will reveal at least 3 common mistakes that you might have been unknowingly making that could be triggering the ulcer pain and making it severe.

But before I go on, who am I to point out these mistakes and give you advice on how to treat ulcer?

My name is Dr. Mohammed Farman I graduated from medical college in Abbottabad, Pakistan in 2007 and completed higher specialist training in Gastroenterology in a number of Irish hospitals.

Most recently, I Dr. Farman completed a Fellowship in Hepatobiliary Medicine and Advanced Endoscopy from Kings College Hospital London, with a main focus on Endoscopic Ultrasound and ERCP – a technique used to diagnose and treat disorders of the pancreas, bile duct, liver and gallbladder.

With over 10 years of experience in this field, I have been able to spot common stomach ulcer pain triggers in my patients and recommended working solutions that has given them permanent relief from stomach ulcer.

Want to learn more about the innocent mistakes you might be making that are worsening your stomach condition…

Keep reading..

  1. Eating Spicy Foods: Stomach ulcers are commonly caused by Helicobacter pylori, a type of bacteria that can infect your stomach. H. pylori multiplies in the mucus layer of the stomach lining and duodenum. 

The bacteria secrete an enzyme called urease that converts urea to ammonia. This ammonia protects the bacteria from stomach acid. As H. pylori multiply, it eats into stomach tissue, which leads to gastritis and/or gastric ulcer.

If you already have ulcers in your stomach linings, consuming an extremely spicy diet that contains a lot of pepper can lead to aggravation of the existing disease condition. 

Therefore, it is important for you to understand that spicy foods are only responsible for making the disease condition worse but are not responsible for triggering ulcer formation.

2.Smoking As An Ulcer Patient: Ulcers are painful sores in the lining of the stomach or the beginning of the small intestine. Ulcers are more likely to heal if you stop smoking. Smoking also raises the risk for infection from Helicobacter pylori. cigarette smoke exposure delays ulcer healing through depression of gastric blood flow.


3. Consuming Alcohol As An Ulcer Patient: Drinking alcohol with an ulcer is not recommended. Drinking alcohol (including wine or beer) can make your ulcer more painful, both from the stomach acid that may be produced and from the alcohol coming into contact with the ulcer itself.

Ulcers have become one of the most common medical conditions suffered by many Nigerians.

Many sufferers dismiss it as an everyday ailment and therefore rely on self medication without knowing ulcers can pose serious health risks if not treated early and properly.

While every disease has its own peculiar complexities, ulcers are by far one of the most misunderstood health conditions because there are several complex mechanisms involved in the digestive system.


When diagnosed early, stomach ulcer is very much treatable. Treatment depends on the cause and how holistic sufferers follow up with their medications.

It is important for you to complete the course of your treatment even if you feel better. Discontinuing the treatment midway will lead to recurrence of bacterial infection, making the condition worse.

When it comes to treating ulcers two things are involved.

  1. Treating the stomach ulcer wounds.
  2. Killing the bacteria called H.pylori that causes that stomach ulcer in the first place.

This is the surest and most effective way to permanently treat stomach ulcers so they won’t be a  reoccurrence. Anything apart from this is just a temporary solution.

So would you like to heal the ulcer wound in your stomach that is giving you so much sleepless nights, causing you to vomit and experience bloating?

Would you like to learn about a herbal treatment that contains potent antibiotics that can kill that Helicobacter Pylori which is the bacteria that causes ulcer?

Would you like to eat your favorite food just how you like it without fear of triggering excruciating pain that gives sleepless nights?

If your answer is a big yes, then allow me to introduce you to…

Royals Health Guard

Royal Health Guard is the best solution for ulcer healing. It contains potent antibiotics that kill the spread and growth of H.Pylori which is the bacteria that causes stomach ulcer. 

Say goodbye to stomach ulcer pains permanently as this Royal Health Guard contains wound healing herbal properties, that sooth and heal the wounds that get irritated when you eat spicy food.

Say goodbye to the fear of eating your favorite food due to triggering ulcer pains. Ulcer will be a thing of the past and a pain free life will be normal again.

What Makes This Treatment More Effective Than Other Treatments You Might Have Used That Failed You?

  • H PYLORI FIGHT – This Royals Health Guard supplement is a natural treatment for Helicobacter pylori that contains the probiotic strain Lactobacillus reuteri (Pylopass) which can neutralize H. pylori and its symptoms, with soothing effects on IBS and indigestion.
  • STOMACH RELIEF & ACID CONTROLLER – Helps relieve acid lifts and heartburn, stomach aches, ulcers, chronic gastric discomfort, and is considered as a safe and effective alternative to fight H pylori.
  • Recommended Use – Take 2 caps a day. Contains Pylopass (Lactobacillus reuteri probiotic) | Other ingredients: acacia gum, white rice flour.
  • 100% Satisfaction – Since 1992, this supplement is aimed at wanting you to be fully satisfied. Chat us 24/7 regarding any questions you may have.

It Helped Stop My Acid Reflux

This Are The 3 Most Effective Ingredients In This Treatment That Makes It The Best Solution For Stomach Ulcers.

Aloe Barbadensis: This herbal is very potent for reducing stomach acids that trigger stomach ulcers. It is very potent when it comes to killing the bacteria H.pylori that causes the spread of stomach ulcers.


Piccorhiza Kurroa: This herb has ulcer healing effects that helps inhibit inflammation in the stomach. It helps to heal the wounds that cause stomach ulcer pains.

Licorice Roots: this root prevents and treats stomach ulcers. It does this by increasing the mucus production in the stomach soothing the stomach lining. This root also promotes the supply of blood to the stomach which in turn prompts healing.

To Prove How Effective This Treatment Is, Below Are Testimonials From Verified Users Of Royal Health Guard..

This has helped me, I’ve looked for many different probiotics and taken different kinds as well as eat yogurt.

I also am on acid reflux medicine.

I never thought I would have acid reflux this bad, but it happened and here I am thankful to be alive.

This probiotic has helped tremendously I believe… this is my second bottle and I’m beyond thankful for this probiotic and how it has helped.

I’m still learning about acid reflux and hoping one day I will not have it, but until then I will do what I have to do take the medication I’m taken, probiotics, and cut out coffee, chocolate, any high fat or fatty products for the most part and acidic foods.

I also can’t really drink that much alcohol and I don’t smoke.

I will say since being on these Royal Health Guard probiotics and medication I have been able to eat a little bit more of what I like.

Mr.Alex (Lagos, Nigeria)

Very Effective For H.Pylori

This product is a game changer! I have had an ulcer for about 15 months now. I know…it’s a long time😥🙄 I threw tons of things at it except for over the counter medications. 

I really wanted to cure it as naturally as possible I tried DGL, slippery elm, manuka honey, enzymes, oregano oil. I didn’t think I had an H pylori issue because this ulcer came after I was taking Avo with aspirin for bladder issues. But since it didn’t go away, and I found myself having a lot of indigestion especially burping on an empty stomach, I thought that may be now from H pylori. 

My ulcer is high– closer to my esophagus– and so whenever I would burp all the acid would kick up and would burn more. I am amazed that after taking this for ONE day I completely stopped burping in the morning..I’m on day 3. 

The many days before I was taking this it was ridiculous how much air would form in the morning….and then my ulcer would be all inflamed after drinking just water and burping. 

I even have less pain now. (Day 3). It’s definitely the treatment you that you need to wipe out H pylori. I’ve been taking it on an empty stomach in the morning and one right before bed. I now am adding mastic gum as of today also on an empty stomach to heal the sore. All’s I can say is this works… And is worth its weight in gold. I’m so grateful I don’t have to take antibiotics which will wreak havoc on my good bacteria. 

It’s not that expensive when you think about the benefit. Just get it. ** Be sure to take on an empty stomach.. it needs a clean environment to attack the H pylori. Store in the fridge.

Mr.Caleb (F.C.T Abuja)

It Works Great

My husband has been using this for a month and his condition is really good now!

Thank you!

Mrs. Folasade (Lagos, Nigeria)

It Works Great

We had H pylori for several months and took 1 pill in the morning with mastic gum and 1 pill in the evening with esomeprazole magnesium. We took the Dr provided antibiotics first and they did nothing. After 3 months taking this and rotating the other my wife tested negative. H pylori is very elusive and can last for years hiding in pockets and what not. If you take something for a short amount of time like a month you will likely find it will return.

Mr & Mrs. Johnson (Jos, Nigeria)

This Treatment Is Medically Certified & Suitable For Human Consumption

This treatment is classified Safe for Consumption and holds 4 world recognised certification from…


How Much Does It Cost To Get This Treatment/

On a normal day it would cost any interested patient about N80,000 to get both 4 bottles of this Royal Health Guard herbal which is the complete dosage. 

Okay due to the fact that the Nigerian economy right now is not favorable for everybody, we have just less than a 100 pieces of the treatment left in stock and have decided to give it out at a very affordable amount.

We have broken it down to the point that an average salary earner who desperately wants a relief from Ulcer can get it. Below is the price breakdown































This price is just temporary for the last 100 sets available. After this set is sold out, the price goes back to the normal price so anyone who is serious about treating Ulcer should take advantage of this treatment.

In case you are very interested in getting this treatment this is your chance. Don’t wait till the point that your Ulcer gets severe and cannot be treated by normal herbal therapy. Don’t wait till you have to go for surgery until you get rid of the Ulcer. Don’t wait till ulcer damages your blood vessel and makes you vomit blood before you get up to take action. Take action now, so you won’t regret later. The prices have been subsidized so you can easily take advantage of it without breaking the bank. I want to assure you that it works, because it has worked for so many. So if you are interested, just fill the form below to order.

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